“I feel that I have been able to achieve the best possible results on my course thanks to the fact that the support I have received has been almost constant, in the sense that I have had the same interpreters and note taker for the same modules. I think that had this support been different, interpreters/note taker changing every week, the level of support would have been less due to the fact that they would have no knowledge of the previous week’s lesson or the atmosphere of the classroom.
The interpreters have also been helpful on occasions when other students or tutors have asked them direct questions about my personal needs. At these times they have explained that these questions would be better directed to me. I feel that this has helped to educate the other students and tutors a little more about D/deaf awareness and as such has helped with my inclusion in the classroom environment.
There has also been plenty of discussion between myself and the interpreters/note taker about what support I feel I need and how they can best assist me. I think that has led to the level of support I receive being of a better quality and much better tailored to my individual needs.”
Received BSL Interpreting and Note taking support
“The support staff were extremely helpful by note taking for me. I was able to follow and take part in the class activities, which I would not have been able to do without the support. I got on with note taker very well and she was able to react to any comments about how to improve her service, e.g., writing down any questions the tutor asked the group. She also enabled me to get involved in social activities with other students. I am certain that without this support I would have been completely unable to follow the tutor and class activities or learn anything. A big thank you for the support given.”
Received Note taking support
“I’m so happy in the lectures you’ve no idea having the note taker’s help is fantastic. I’m enjoying it so far.”
Received Specialist Note taking support
“The session today went really well and I am really pleased that she can offer me the help I need. We have arranged to meet 5 more times to do some revision techniques and question answering before my exams.”
Received Specialist Support Professional support
“We have found Deaf Student Solutions to be helpful and accommodating. They are willing to negotiate with the University to meet the needs of our students at a reasonable cost. The level of sign language interpretation required is very high due to the nature of the courses delivered at the University. Their interpreters have successfully supported students on Master’s degree level courses.”
Senior Learning Support Adviser
“The service provided was fantastic, thank you. The trainers who have come to our Ambassador training sessions have been great and there have been lots of positive feedback from our students who attended those sessions.”
Events Manager
“The session yesterday was great, the students responded very well to both ladies that attended the session. As with the session on Wednesday, I think it was a really valuable asset to our training.”
Events Officer
Deaf Awareness Sessions
“The information was delivered in a relatable way and easy to understand. The proactive activities were really good as it allowed everyone to have a level of empathy with others who have hearing difficulties.”
“The trainer was friendly and very knowledgeable, I think it is better being delivered from someone who has a lot of experience and whose first language is BSL than someone who is just knowledgeable about deaf awareness. I really enjoyed the session.”
“I found the session very informative, and the trainer was excellent also. She had a very good knowledge base and was extremely approachable and friendly. I think the session was great as it was – I particularly liked the exercises. They were very interactive which kept everybody tuned in, and are a much more effective way of learning. A job very well done!”
“Very informative, I have done a few sessions about working with people who are deaf with my job, and I was shocked at how much was missed out, such as eye contact and how to get somebody’s attention, so it was really great to learn these things because even if you are unable to fully communicate with someone you don’t want to be rude or offend them.”
“Should be longer! I could have sat there all afternoon. It was very good I really enjoyed it 10/10!”
Deaf Student Solutions
379 Pensby Road, Pensby, CH61 9NF
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